Although the temperature when we got up this morning hadn't quite hit 40 (!!) it turned out to be, by our admittedly pathetic standards, a warm sunny day. Time to go put some more seeds in the ground. Where's that plot map? Where's that planting calendar?
We also did a little work on the overall community garden. This was our third day of working on shoring up the fencing to keep the deer out. The gate also needed work; Mark previously leveled it by pulling the post back with a deadman and today he made a gate-closer by hanging a counter-weight.
We ended up planting kale, turnips, mizuna, carrots, broccoli, endive, beets, swiss chard, and nasturtiums today. Our previously planted seeds seem to have germinated well. Some slug damage to the broccoli, so we planted more. Looking good, right?
Yes - Looking good!