How to decide what to plant? According to Cheryl, who has earned the prestigious Master Gardener designation, it is wise to start with no more than eight different types of vegetables. Eight is a number that is not overwhelming. Or is it? For each vegetable you plant, you need to worry about Succession, Rotation and Companions, remember. Eight seems pretty daunting to this group of exacting, meticulous, Type A personalities.
You also want to plant what you like to eat, of course. There was no disagreement (other than beets) on which vegetables we like to eat, but it didn't help narrow it down, either. We love ALL vegetables. Cheryl and Grover, being from Southern California, took our advice when we suggested that Puget Sound is not the place for peppers, tomatoes, eggplant or melon. In the end, we selected more like 22 types of vegetables, not including multiple varieties of some things (both yellow and green pole beans, for instance).
Thus far, we have spent $132 just on seeds. Have you read the book, "The $64 Tomato"? We may or may not do our own calculations at the end of the season.
The previously completed scheduling matrix indicated that it was time to get some seeds started in the cold frame. Today was the day to start kale, broccoli, bok choy, lettuce, endive and leeks. Okay, done - let's see if they germinate, cross your fingers!
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