Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Potato planters complete

So....there is a winter weather advisory in effect. Snow levels down to 1,000 feet in the Olympics and the Cascades. A bit of rain, mixed with something heavier, fell on our heads while we were at the plot this morning. What did I say about jumping the gun? Oh well, May will be here in four days, this can't continue. We went ahead and transferred more pac choi and broccoli raab starts from our cold frame into the ground. Also, we finished planting the potatoes. Here's the drawing of our potato planters so that we can remember what went where, and the details of the four varieties.

1 comment:

  1. You have picked an exceptional spring to start your project! Icy rain here today and a completely empty vegtable garden. You have a 6 week headstart on me.
