Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Plan

I have no idea why this is so complicated. My mother always had a vegetable garden when I was growing up, as did everyone else. Mark and I have had raised beds and many edible plantings at previous homes. You just stick stuff in the ground, water it (unless you live around here) and then do a little harvesting when the vegetables and fruit are ready. It's not rocket science.

Or is it? Cheryl and I are taking a class on organic gardening. Several computers have been enlisted to work on The Plan. There is much to worry about: succession planting, rotational strategies, soil testing, nutrient deficiencies, how much nitrogen is too much, which plants should be in proximity to which, and which must be kept far, far away.

What do we do about that quack grass??? Where is that updated planting schedule?! Beans can be planted in May, you idiot! The path is too wide! It's hopeless to pull weeds without dousing the soil with Roundup!

So far, we've proven we can build trellises and cold frames. The plants, on the other hand, have us paralyzed with fear.

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