Friday, September 9, 2011

Raab Park update

Last March, I mentioned that Cheryl, as part of her Master Gardener activities, volunteers at Frank Raab Park up in Poulsbo. They have a wonderful children's garden, consisting of some really great vegetable patches, those hoop houses, pole bean teepees, etc. And those Master Gardeners really do have green far this summer, 170 pounds of produce out of this garden have been donated to the Fishline food bank. Nice job!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pretty as a turnip

Or a fig!

Plot O'Plenty

The string beans may yet force us to buy a chest freezer this year.

The potatoes are mostly still in the dirt, but there's plenty of them too. Anyone know the best way to store them?

Still picking and eating bags and bags of spinach, kale, chard, mizuna and endive.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

You say tomato...

Summer finally arrived - a week of 80 degree days in September will ripen some tomatoes, yesiree.